Welcome to The Other Style Council, or TOSC for short (please note that the acronym is uppercase and without periods;
L.A. Weekly style calls for periods only when the acronym contains two letters). You all know about the first Style Council. Those are the hot, stylish chicks who can get into any party they want. They write for the
Weekly's (please note that the apostrophe and "s" are romanized) La Vida section and their own
red-hot blog, sending in dispatches from far and wide about fashion, nightlife and the wild times Los Angeles has to offer.
But lurking on the mezzanine level of the
Weekly's offices is another Style Council, one whose glasses are much less stylish (but thicker and always on, what with all the reading we do), one whose members consider it "dressed up" to have one's shirt tucked in. When they say "Style," they mean Trina Turk (whoever the hell that is); when we say "Style," we mean Associated Press. See that first post about what we do for boxes containing information on live music shows around L.A.? While we're worrying if the text is in the proper font, the original Style Council is worrying about what to wear to the show.
So why does this blog exist? Because Derek spent a few hours Friday night creating that crackerjack illustration at the top of the page (please note that Derek spent Friday night creating a graphic whose sole purpose is to out himself and two colleagues as geeks). So now we're stuck with it. Look to this space in the future for discussions about the auditory differences in slamming shut American Heritage and Webster's New World College dictionaries, what we eat for dinner Tuesday nights, the existential implications in romanizing URLs in copy, how much I hate en dashes (oh, how I hate you, en dashes!) and the singular genius of Ray Bradbury.